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DeLong Associate Professor, Division of Biometry and Medical Informatics, Duke University Medical Center. Shafer Staff Anesthesiologist, Palo Alto VA Health Care System; Associate Professor of Anesthesia, Stanford University.
Debra A. Schwinn, phd medical research proposal, Elizabeth R. DeLong, Steven L. Shafer; Writing Successful Research Proposals for Medical Science. HIGH-QUALITY research proposals are phd medical research proposal to obtain funds for the basic and clinical sciences, phd medical research proposal.
In this era of diminishing revenues, the ability to compete successfully for peer-reviewed research money is essential to create and maintain scientific programs. Most physicians are never exposed to a research environment and therefore do not learn how to write grants. The result is that many clinical studies, even when designed by skilled clinicians and those that address important clinical questions, often do not compete successfully with proposals written by basic scientists.
This creates a perception that clinical studies are not favorably viewed by research review committees. The opposite is probably closer to the truth; research review committees are very keen to fund excellent clinical research, phd medical research proposal. Although greater numbers of researchers with Ph. degrees have applied for National Institutes of Health NIH grants compared with researchers with M.
degrees over the last 10 yr, funding rates percent applications funded have remained approximately the same for these investigators Figure 1 ; success rates: all degrees, 6, [ Figure 1, phd medical research proposal.
Overall success rates for NIH funding of scientific applications, - No difference in funding rate is observed between applicants holding M, phd medical research proposal. versus Ph, phd medical research proposal. As the success rate for first-time applications was Capable medical researchers ultimately write research proposals for funding by the NIH. Research questions posed must be hypothesis driven; the investigator must be qualified to perform the study; and preliminary evidence should be presented demonstrating that the research is feasible and will answer the questions posed.
The goal of this article is to review important elements of successful research proposals, with emphasis on funding sources available to the anesthesiology community. Two important anesthesia-specific organizations exist phd medical research proposal support anesthesia research - The Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research FAER, an organization under the auspices of the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the International Anesthesiology Research Society IARS.
Successful applications for research support from FAER and IARS have many of the characteristics of grants funded by the NIH and other peer-reviewed funding sources. These characteristics include 1 a highly qualified investigator s ; 2 for junior investigators, a mentor with a successful track record phd medical research proposal scientific investigation, peer-reviewed funding, and mentorship of fellows and faculty; 3 a supportive academic environment; and 4 a scientifically sound proposal.
Each of these characteristics is discussed in the subsequent sections. One of the most important components of a successful research proposal is a well-trained investigator. Training in clinical anesthesia is not training in research methodology or scientific thinking; it does not prepare an individual for a career in investigation. Although obvious for basic science research, clinical research also requires commitment of a minimum of 1 yr of dedicated training with a good mentor, and more typically 2 - 3 yr in the field of the proposed research.
The applicant also needs to demonstrate commitment to a career in investigation. Several years of scientific training is the first demonstration of such commitment.
Research proposals must document institutional support for nonclinical time, and the investigator must provide evidence that this time has been used wisely and will continue to be dedicated to the proposed research. The research proposal must document a track record of productivity by the investigator. This expectation increases as the training and career of the investigator progresses, phd medical research proposal.
Fellowship awards do not have an expectation of prior research training, so publications from prior research are not expected. At the fellowship level, outstanding letters of recommendation, undergraduate and medical school performance, and related accomplishments are most important.
Because previous training is not required of the fellowship applicant, prior success of the mentor publications and track record with previous trainees weighs heavily in the fellowship review. For junior faculty, peer-reviewed publications are expected from the fellowship period. Young Investigator Annoucements from FAER and several new IARS awards require several years as a successful junior faculty member, so expectations of demonstrated research success are further increased.
The investigator must demonstrate 1 rigorous training, 2 commitment to research, 3 an appropriate career path, and 4 a track record of productive work. None of these are trivial issues, and none can be easily accomplished without making a commitment to research early in the academic career. The quality of the mentor is another important aspect of awards granted to fellows and phd medical research proposal faculty.
Identification of a mentor is explicitly required for FAER and certain junior level NIH grant applications. First and foremost, the mentor must be a successful investigator, phd medical research proposal. Criteria for this include a track record of publication in the area of the proposed research, continued peer-reviewed funding, and a history of successfully training young investigators, phd medical research proposal.
Although mentorship is not considered heavily in more senior grant applications, phd medical research proposal, input from a more experienced investigator often remains beneficial throughout one's career as we can personally attest to.
In addition to the mentor, high-quality coinvestigators, collaborators, and consultants also play important roles in strengthening a research proposal. Good research is best accomplished in a supportive, cooperative environment.
Because of the changing climate of clinical medicine, researchers both clinical and basic science face increasing pressure to minimize research time. It is not possible to become a successful investigator in one's spare time. Documentation of adequate nonclinical time for research not for committee meetings or other unrelated tasks is essential.
Receiving funding at a junior level often enables the department to match funds or to guarantee nonclinical time to the budding investigator. In general, the more non-clinical time available to an investigator, the more competitive the application. Other important elements of the environment include people, space, and institutional resources. People include mentors, consultants who can help with specific methodologies, statistical phd medical research proposal, helpful colleagues, experienced technicians, a clinical research team, and a dedicated chairperson.
There must be adequate space for performing the proposed studies, office space for research personnel, and storage space for equipment and supplies. Institutional resources include related departmental and interdepartmental seminar series, a critical mass of investigators in a related area, instrument development and repair shops, and necessary laboratory space and common facilities.
Criteria for a sound research proposal are the same whether the proposal is submitted to NIH, FAER, IARS, phd medical research proposal, or other funding sources. In crafting phd medical research proposal proposal, it is essential to consider the perspective of the reviewer; therefore, items of interest to the reviewer are listed after general definition of the grant proposal.
Review committees receive dozens of grants. NIH study sections may review as many as proposals during one session. Typically, only two or three reviewers are assigned to read each grant in detail, but everyone is expected to read each abstract. Hence, the abstract is often one of the most important parts of the research proposal. The abstract should address the significance of the question and the overall topic, state the hypothesis, and point out key preliminary data.
Additionally, the abstract should provide a synopsis of methodologies planned. In the end, the reviewer must be convinced that the applicant is uniquely or ideally suited to undertake this important study by the end of this concise paragraph.
Specific Aims. The specific aims section is critically important in a scientific proposal. It is here that the investigator crystallizes the overall goal of the research and states specific hypotheses. Beginning with the specific aims, the proposal must be well written and logically organized, phd medical research proposal. A poorly organized grant application is difficult to review, phd medical research proposal if the science is otherwise excellent. Typically, the specific aims begin with a short introduction one paragraphfollowed by a formally stated hypothesis.
The hypothesis must be answerable by the research methods proposed. Generally, two or three specific aims are outlined with subheadings where appropriate. Organization of the specific aims is often temporal, starting with a proposed mechanism or the first set of studies in a clinical project. In general, the specific aims section should be no longer than one page. Background and Significance. The background section provides phd medical research proposal opportunity to bring reviewers up to date on current research in the area of the proposal.
This section should summarize succinctly studies from the literature and related work published by the investigator. The most crucial aspect of the background is to build a case for significance of the proposed research regarding the ultimate clinical application or mechanistic understanding.
Ideally, the background section should demonstrate that the current proposal is a logical extension of previous studies in the field and will provide new information and novel insights. In general, the background section should be about one fourth of the length of the grant proposal. Preliminary Data. Preliminary data provide the opportunity for the investigator to demonstrate his or her ability to perform the proposed research.
The goal in presenting preliminary data is to convince the reviewer that the investigator is capable of performing the proposed studies and that phd medical research proposal mechanisms proposed are phd medical research proposal. Good preliminary data support novel or even unlikely hypotheses. Each experimental method proposed should be accompanied by preliminary data demonstrating facility and expertise with related preparations, phd medical research proposal.
For example, if the investigator proposes using a specific electrophysiologic technique to study an ion channel, evidence demonstrating that this technique has been used by the investigator with other ion channels and a Figure showingresults from pilot experiments on the channel of interest would suffice.
In clinical studies, demonstration of a working investigative team and the ability to enroll a given number of patients per week is helpful. Figures or tables help to convey the message in a succinct manner.
They also conserve space in the proposal and create a more impressive effect. Although it is best if the applicant has generated his or her own preliminary data, for training awards, preliminary data from the mentor's laboratory is entirely appropriate. An effective way to organize preliminary data is to present it in the same order as the specific aims e.
Presentation of preliminary data usually takes about one fourth to one third of the length of the grant application. The methods are the guts of the research proposal. Unfortunately, many investigators run out of steam by the time they reach the methods, leaving reviewers unconvinced by the proposed methodology. The investigator should assume that at least one reviewer is an expert in each method presented.
Therefore, enough detail should be provided to convince an expert that the experiment or technique is being performed properly.
How to Write a Successful Research Proposal - Scribbr
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To start with a medical proposal, you need to start with an abstract with comprehensive planning and well-organized ideas on the project. Apply proposed methods, design of the study, timeline or even logistics to the project to make it approved. Step 3: Identify Problems medical care to persons with cognitive disabilities (e.g., Shriver Clinical Services), and a number of BMC faculty with expertise in disability (e.g., Mary Cerreto, PhD, Chris Andry, PhD, Marc Emmerich, MD) to develop a set of safeguards for these blogger.com Size: KB 1 Sample Research Proposal Resident: John Smith, PGY2 Research Mentor: Jane Doe, MD, Section of General Internal Medicine Date of Proposal: February 5, I. Title of Proposed Research Project Medical Students as Mediators of Change in Tobacco Use II. Specific Aims In conducting this study, we will accomplish the following specific aims
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