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Research Paper on Legalizing Marijuana | blogger.com
In America today, marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug. Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture that is created through drying the research paper marijuana and flowering tops of the cannabis plant. Some of the more popular street names are weed, pot, herb, grass, Mary Jane, research paper marijuana, boom, gangster, research paper marijuana, and chronic. Owning marijuana was made a criminal offence in when Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act.
Even with this new law, people continued to use the drug. Leaders in marijuana prevention, education, treatment and law enforcement adamantly oppose the substance, as do many political leaders.
However, pro-drug advocacy group, who support the permissive use of illicit drugs, research paper marijuana small in number, are making headlines. They are influencing legislation and having a significant impact on the national policy debate in the United States and in other countries, research paper marijuana. The national organization for the reform of marijuana law NORMAL is the oldest drug user lobby research paper marijuana the United States, research paper marijuana.
However, drugs like marijuana are addicting and research paper marijuana not be legalized, research paper marijuana. Marijuana should research paper marijuana be legalized because it causes overwhelming damage to research paper marijuana society as a whole.
People throughout the nation have witnessed law changes regarding the possession of marijuana to its physical and social effects on society, research paper marijuana. Marijuana should not be legalized for the following reasons namely for the physical and social aspects of its use. Since the late s different states have been changing laws of decriminalization of marijuana. Many states did not decriminalize and often dropped charges for possessing small amounts of marijuana.
President Carter even recommended decriminalization of possession marijuana in an attempt to spread his thoughts on how laws provide the worse consequences than the effects of the drugs itself. However, in the early s various states outlawed decriminalization despite marijuana activists having tried to not criminalize the use and possession of marijuana.
Research has shown various physical effects of marijuana on the body. Marijuana is considered to relieve pain, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. But, its use does impair memory and cause depression. There are also many social effects or marijuana. Some of the social problems of not prohibiting the drug are that its use decreases productivity and cause uncontrollable aggression.
Most importantly, marijuana has a large impact on motivation and is easily attainable. People can easily cross state borders and manage to bring marijuana back to their state of residence. All of the legal, physical and social aspects of not legalization marijuana can affect the society in a big manner based on moral grounds.
The legal aspects or laws associated with the use and possession of marijuana is very controversial but not legalizing this drug holds good position on moral grounds.
Some people view punishment research paper marijuana inappropriate and legalizing marijuana would send the wrong message to the public.
On the other hand, many people prefer to maintain the status of decreasing the harm in society in an attempt to create a drug free America. Before the s, marijuana was legal in the United States. In the early s, city and state regulations developed far before federal laws developed against this drug. Texas was one of the first states to prohibit the drug by and about thirty other states outlawed the use of marijuana by Byevery state had outlawed the drug and it possession would prove to have identical penalties to research paper marijuana of heroin possession.
By at research paper marijuana ten states decriminalized possession of marijuana and this sent a wrong message to the public.
However, there was still a lot of exposure of marijuana to minors. In a favoring of marijuana, many people believe that marijuana is a gateway drug and will lead to other more dangerous drugs. If kids could run down to research paper marijuana gas station and pick up some weed their interest in other drugs would be diminished.
The only way that pot could be considered a gateway drug is if it is sold alongside hard drugs. True some pot dealers sell harder stuff but legalizing marijuana completely negates that argument.
If marijuana were legal there would be no need for side research paper marijuana dealers who might have hard drugs on them, it could be sold in any convenience store across the country. Implying that smoking weed always leads to harder drugs is like saying that anyone who has ever stolen something will go on to armed piracy of oil tankers.
Marijuana as a gateway drug is a false implication and cannot be used in a serious discussion about legalizing marijuana. Many people also insinuate that marijuana leads people to a life of crime. The only way to test this theory is to study the results when pot is legal. Amsterdam, where marijuana is legal, has a lower crime rate than any major U.
I think that soundly disproves that theory and clearly shows that smoking marijuana is not a gateway to anything illegal. Research paper marijuana argument is that the over whelming majority of the harm done to society by the consumption of currently illicit drugs is caused not by their pharmacological properties but by their prohibition and the resultant criminal activity that prohibitions always calls in to being.
Simple reflection tells us that a supply invariably grows up to meet a demand, and when the demand is wide spread, research paper marijuana, suppression is useless. Indeed, research paper marijuana, it is harmful, since- by raising the price of the commodity in question it raises the profits of middlemen, which gives them an even more powerful incentive to stimulate demand further.
The vast profits to be made from cocaine and heroin, which, were it not for their illegality would be cheap and easily affordable even by the poorest in affluent societies, research paper marijuana a deeply corrupting effect on producer, distributor, consumer and law enforces alike.
Besides, it is well known the illegality in itself an attraction for youth already inclined to disaffection. Legal moralists even say that a change in drug policies because it sends a wrong message to people. Marijuana had been banned throughout the country of the U, research paper marijuana. S in the year of Then it was decriminalized in the year of as it become popular among young adults, research paper marijuana.
And later, it possession meant imprisonment penalties, and eventually its users committed felonies. It consists of different types of chemical substances. One of the most abundant chemical substances that are found in marijuana is Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC in short. THC has the most psychoactive effects on its users. Experiments have shown that THC receptors modulate appetite and relieve pain but they also impair memory and affect the control and movement over the body.
Most importantly, it reduces body temperature. The more dopamine that is released the more the body gets used to it, research paper marijuana, causing the person to get addicted. Marijuana also damages the supply of eggs in the ovaries which may lead to miscarriage.
On the other hand, research paper marijuana, some of the medical uses of the drug are that it helps patients with AIDS; helps reduce pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite etc. Marijuana also helps patients suffering from glaucoma reduce pressure on eyes, alleviate pain, and slow down the progress of the disease. Cancer patients are research paper marijuana of research paper marijuana from chemotherapy treatment and patients with epilepsy are helped to prevent seizures temporarily by using research paper marijuana drug.
However, there are more negative things aspects about using marijuana that makes this drug a top priority for illegalization. The withdrawal symptoms of marijuana cause severe irritability, restlessness, nervousness, difficulty in sleeping, nausea, and craving for more of the drug which eventually causes depression. Addiction to this drug affects personal development, cognitive, and behavioral processes severely.
The social aspects of not legalizing marijuana are mostly associated with the behavioral changes in a person.
It impairs their ability to pursue more important human aims, such as, research paper marijuana, raising family and fulfilling civic obligations. Very often it impairs their ability to pursue gainful employment research paper marijuana promotes parasitism. Moreover, far from being expanders of consciousness most drugs severely limit it. We lose remarkably little by not being permitted to take drugs. In any case, there are reasons to doubt whether the crime rate would fall quite a dramatically as advocates of legalization have suggested.
Amsterdam, where access to drugs is relatively unproblematic, research paper marijuana, is among the most violent and squalid cities in Europe. The idea behind crime of getting rich, or at least richer, quickly and without much effort-is unlikely to disappear once drugs are freely available to all who want them. Legalizing pot would lead to an increase in consumption, research paper marijuana.
According the NIDA national institute on drug abuselong term marijuana use can be addicting to people. Research shows that marijuana mokers had problems regarding their research paper marijuana in school, which affected their skills of memory and concentration. Institute cited research show that marijuana is less addicting but the use of this drug makes people try more addicting drugs like cocaine and alcohol.
If laws were softened on marijuana use people will start consuming more thinking that is legal and lots of people already think that pot is harmless so they would frequently smoke it. Marijuana has the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract because it contains irritants and carcinogens. In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke.
It also produces high levels of an enzyme that converts certain hydrocarbons into their carcinogenic form, levels that may accelerate the changes that ultimately produce malignant cells. The legalization assumes that there is a natural limit to demand research paper marijuana these drug, and that if their consumption were legalized, the demand would not increase substantially.
Those psychologically unstable persons currently taking drugs would continue to do so, with the necessity to commit crimes removed, while research paper marijuana stable people would not be enticed to take drugs by their new legal status and cheapness.
But price availability exerts a profound effect on consumption; the cheaper alcohol becomes, for example, the more of it is consumed, at least within quite wide limits, research paper marijuana.
Percentages of Persons Aged 12 to 25 Reporting Past Month Marijuana Use, by Age: Drug legalization will not only lead to a bad immoral society, but it will also lead to a society of people who are addicted to drugs and therefore will be responsible for the downfall of society.
The present situation is bad, undoubtedly, but few are the situations so bad they cannot be made worse by research paper marijuana wrong policy decision. Therefore, we must acknowledge the fact that drugs are not legalized or else we would create an environment where even God would not enter.
Legalization of marijuana may seem to be harmless but it has many more negative effects on people and society. There are already treatment for diseases like cancer and epilepsy so why do we have to use marijuana to treat these diseases?
Marijuana is already harmful and it just eases pain it does not cure it. The argument that those people who are in extreme pain, such as those going through chemotherapy, have AIDS or any other kind of disease, should be allowed to have a prescription to use marijuana. While it is awful that these patients must suffer without the healing power of marijuana, there are other drugs that they can use to help ease their pain.
Marijuana is not the only answer. There are so May alternative drugs like painkillers that can ease up pain too. So there should be not be legalized. More people are affected by consuming pot that they are benefited.
How Marijuana Affects the Adolescent Brain: New University of Maryland School of Medicine Research
, time: 2:41Marijuana Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Jul 19, · There is little evidence to suggest that RML-induced increases in marijuana consumption encourage the use of harder substances or violent criminal activity. Institutional subscribers to the NBER working paper series, and residents of developing countries may download this paper without additional charge at blogger.com The investigators found that long-term marijuana users were impaired 70 percent of the time on a decision-making test, compared to 55 percent for short-term users and 8 percent for nonusers.” This study draws on the case of recrea- tional cannabis (marijuana) in Portland, OR (USA). Data from 33 interviews, structured fieldwork at 64 dispensaries, and the US Census Bureau American Community Survey are analyzed using qualitative, quantitative, and spatial methods
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