Jul 22, · An automatic Table of Contents uses Styles to keep track of page numbers and section titles for you automatically. Microsoft Word can scan your document and find everything in the Heading 1 style and put that on the first level of your table of contents, put any Heading 2’s on the second level of your table of contents, and so on.. If you want an automatic table of contents you need apply A dissertation or a thesis is an extended piece of writing - it's a long one! So, to help your reader find information easily, you must include a Contents page. Position. Usually, the Contents page will come after the Acknowledgements and Abstract, and before the List of figures (if you have one) and the Introduction. Be very careful when making your final draft that all of the page numbers Do not title an individual appendix in the Table of Contents unless there are multiple appendices in a chapter or at the end of the body of the document. If you have multiple Appendices, the APPENDICES cover page with corresponding page number is to appear in the Table of Contents as in
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Your contribution can help change lives. Donate now. Sixteen training modules for teaching core skills. Learn more. Everyone who's ever worked in health or human services knows at least one horror story about an intervention that either went wrong or never worked for a minute, how to do a dissertation table of contents.
Often, when the story is told, it becomes clear that the well-intentioned professionals in charge had totally misunderstood or ignored some fundamental fact about the community or the target population. Since they assumed they knew what was needed, they planned the whole thing themselves and failed miserably. For every horror story, however, there's a story about an intervention where everything went right.
In many of these cases, you'll find that the target population - and often the larger community as well - was included in the planning of the intervention from the beginning, how to do a dissertation table of contents.
When an organization decides to take on a community intervention - whether a full -fledged service program or a one-time campaign to accomplish one specific goal - it can often increase its chance of success by using a participatory planning process. In this section, we'll explore what a participatory planning process is, why it's valuable, its potential advantages and disadvantages, and how to use it to plan an effective intervention - one where everything goes right. In its simplest terms, a participatory approach is one in which everyone who has a stake in the intervention has a voice, either in person or by representation.
Staff of the organization that will run it, members of the target population, community officials, interested citizens, and people from involved agencies, schools, and other institutions all should be invited to the table. Everyone's participation should be welcomed and respected, and the process shouldn't be dominated by any individual or group, or by a single point of view. That's the ideal. The reality may often be quite different. Some people might not want to be involved - they may feel it takes too much time, or they don't have the skills needed.
Particular individuals or groups may feel left out and disrespected if they're not invited to participate. The planning process may be a rubber stamp for ideas that have already been developed. Some people's opinions may be listened to more carefully than those of how to do a dissertation table of contents. In some of these situations, a participatory process can cause as many problems as never involving people at all. The important thing to remember here is the word participatory.
The use of that term implies not just that you'll ask for someone's opinion before you do what you were going to do anyway, but rather that each participant becomes an important contributor to the planning process.
A true participatory approach is one in which everyone's how to do a dissertation table of contents is considered. That doesn't mean that people can't challenge others' assumptions, or argue about what the best strategy might be.
It does mean, however, that everyone's thoughts are respected, and it how to do a dissertation table of contents necessarily assumed that the professionals or the well -educated automatically know what's best. Everyone actually gets to participate in the planning process, and has some role in decision-making. This is an extremely important point. Many low-income or minority individuals and groups feel that they have no voice in the society, that they are not listened to even when they are asked for their opinions.
True participation means that everyone has a voice which must be acknowledged. Acknowledgment also implies having enough respect for another's opinion to argue with it.
All too often, low-income or minority members of a planning team or governing board are treated with reverse condescension, as if anything they say must be true and profound.
A truly participatory process would include not only everyone being heard, but also everyone thrashing out ideas and goals, and wrestling with new concepts.
In order for this to happen, those with less education and "status" often need extra support, both to learn the process and to believe that their opinions and ideas are important and worth stating.
All of this takes time, how to do a dissertation table of contents, but the rewards are great. It's crucial to understand and anticipate these considerations, and to decide when and how a participatory planning approach can work in your situation.
While these disadvantages present potential or real challenges to the success of a participatory planning process, overcoming them may tremendously increase the possibility of designing and carrying out an effective community intervention. There are a number of ways to consider participatory planning. As demonstrated in the discussion above of advantages and disadvantages, this kind of process always presents, even at best, a trade-off between efficiency and inclusiveness.
Time pressure, the needs of the community, the skills and experience of those participating, how to do a dissertation table of contents, and the nature of the intervention, among other factors, all help to dictate the actual shape of the planning process. So what are the possibilities? Just how participatory do you want to be? David Wilcox, in his excellent " Guide to Effective Participation ," sets out the following as a model of the different possible levels of participation:.
Each of these levels may be appropriate in different circumstances, or with different groups, although only at "deciding together" and above do they really begin to be fully participatory in the sense that the term is used in this section. But remember, if you consult with people in the community, you have to pay attention to what they tell you. If you're simply going to ignore their ideas and recommendations, you shouldn't consult at all.
Being asked for how to do a dissertation table of contents opinion and then ignored is much more insulting and infuriating than never being asked in the first place. At the very least, people deserve an explanation of why their advice isn't being followed. In reality, as mentioned earlier, a planning process often is time-limited by proposal deadlines, the severity of the need if teenagers are dying every day by gunfire, a violence prevention program needs to get under way quicklythe requirements of other partners or funders, etc.
The trick is to balance participation and time restraints, and to try to use the highest level of participation possible under the circumstances. The word "partnership" implies a relationship of equals, where everyone has an equal voice, and where power and responsibility are equally shared.
Forming such a relationship, even in circumstances where everyone truly desires it, is not a quick or easy task. It takes time, commitment both to the process and the end product the partnershipand the willingness to air and work through disagreements and philosophical differences. If you're not willing to give yourself to the development of a real partnership, acting together may be only a future goal for your organization and its community.
As you try to determine what level of participation is right for your situation, consider this: A participatory planning process has the potential to become a charade meant only to convince the community that a participatory process is going on. An adult educator related a conversation with his father-in-law, who worked in a factory of one of the big Detroit automakers.
The company had initiated Total Quality Management, and had reorganized the factory how to do a dissertation table of contents into teams. Each team included workers from each step in the car manufacturing process, and was meant to be responsible for the building of a whole car from start to finish.
Furthermore, each team was supposed to be able to change its procedures to make them more efficient or easier, and thus to improve production through the knowledge and skill of team members. Knowing that his father-in-law was a longtime union activist and socialist, the younger man said, "That must be great.
The workers actually have some control over production. Nothing has changed. They're just going through the how to do a dissertation table of contents, so they can tell the public they're doing something different. There are also some general guidelines for when a participatory planning process may not be appropriate at all, how to do a dissertation table of contents, including:.
The ideal answer here is everyone who is affected by the proposed intervention, but that's seldom possible, or even desirable. You may be talking about thousands of people, how to do a dissertation table of contents, too many for an effective planning process.
In reality, there should be strong and effective representation for everyone involved, including:. Targets of change are the people at whom the intervention is aimed or whom it is intended to benefit.
That could be very specific e. teen mothers, for a job training program aimed at teen parents or very general the community as a whole, for a smoking prevention and cessation initiative aimed at everyone in the community. Agents of change are the people who make or influence policy or public opinion. These include actual policy makers, but also encompass people influential in the community at large, who can help or block an intervention by their support or opposition.
If elected officials agree to be involved in your planning, how to do a dissertation table of contents, they'll often send aides to represent them. This can be preferable to the officials themselves attending, since the aides often have a great deal of influence over their bosses, and are also more likely to have the time to participate fully. A community intervention may involve a number of organizations, public agencies and services, and other groups. A community initiative to offer treatment to substance abusers, for instance, could involve, among others:.
These might include parents, youth, or school personnel, for instance, for an intervention dealing with youth. Many seniors have the time, the desire, and the experience to be excellent community volunteers. People with a personal or professional interest in the issue may also want to participate - parents whose children have had drug problems, graduate students, retired teachers or doctors.
The obvious first step toward starting a participatory planning process is finding people to participate. Some of that relies simply on networking and old-fashioned legwork, but there's a logical process that accompanies it as well. How do you define stakeholders?
The list of possible participants earlier in this section is one place to start. Your intervention may not need all, or even many of these groups or individuals. To determine who should participate, the best question to ask is "Who will be directly affected by this intervention? Answers here will vary greatly, depending upon the nature of the intervention. If the taxpayers will be asked to pay for it directly - through property taxes, for instance, as they would be for many school programs - then both community officials and ordinary taxpayers should have some voice in it.
If the police or other community employees are to be asked to take on how to do a dissertation table of contents duties or to cooperate in specific ways to make the intervention work, they should be included in the planning.
These should always include, at the very least, members of the organization's staff and Board and the target population. In general, it also makes sense to include members of the community, especially if:. Even if the community is not a specific stakeholder, it may make sense to involve community members in a planning process. Every intervention needs some level of community support in order to succeed. Community participation in planning will help to assure that support. If your process is meant to be as inclusive as possible, then you should be using as many avenues as possible to inform the community about it - press releasesnewspaper storiesflierspostersand public service announcements PSA's on radio and television, as well as community presentations, personal contact either face-to-face or by phonemailingsetc.
If you're trying to inform only specific groups in the community, start with people in those groups you already know. They'll help to spread the word to their friends and acquaintances, who'll pass it on further still. They can also help you decide where to place other information so the target groups will be likely to encounter it. Be sure that your message is simple and clear, and in the languages that the community speaks.
How to insert Table of Contents in Word (Step by Step) - Microsoft Word Tutorial: Table of content
, time: 8:05Formatting Guide | The Graduate School

A table of contents example will help you structure your own thesis, but remember to make it relevant to your discipline. Table of contents example structures can be created for different disciplines, such as social sciences, humanities and engineering. The type and length of a table of contents example will depend on the manuscript Jul 22, · Automatic Table of Contents and Lists; Commenting and Reviewing; Contact Info - ScholarSpace - Email Me. Schedule an Appointment. Contact: ScholarSpace. Website. Introduction to Word for Dissertation Formatting your dissertation (or thesis) will likely take more time than you expect. But using the special features described in this Guide will ized, is not a shortcoming for a qualitative dissertation; it is crucial in identifying the sampling technique, the sample size and the members of the sample for a quantitative dissertation. Frequently (16%), the re-search population was a year group in a school and the sample was classes in that year group
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